4 Key Components For Power off the Tee

When it comes to power off the tee, there are a few components that, if implemented, will help you improve your swing drastically. The following 4 components will teach you how to fix some of the smaller and more common

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How Your Setup Improves Your Short Game

Most golfers know that their short game is what can make or break their scores on the golf course. But many golfers don’t realize that the way they set up the ball can have a huge impact on their short-game

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Exercises For Golf To Elevate Your Game

Remember the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body”? It comes from ancient Greece and talks about how important it is to have a healthy body, a calm mind, and the ability to enjoy life. That balance is also

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What is considered slow play in golf?

Slow play in golf is a growing concern for many players. What may seem like a leisurely game to some can be frustrating and even maddening to others who are trying to play at a reasonable pace. While there is

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Great Tips for Left-Handed Golfers

Left-handed golfers face some unique challenges when playing. The majority of the population is right-handed, and manufactured golf equipment is predominantly made for right-handed players.  Despite these obstacles, golfers with stronger left hands have several advantages over their right-handed counterparts.

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