Exercises For Golf To Elevate Your Game

Remember the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body”? It comes from ancient Greece and talks about how important it is to have a healthy body, a calm mind, and the ability to enjoy life. That balance is also important in golf; without a healthy, flexible body and a sound, relaxed mind, you won’t be able to swing as well as possible. But let’s not get you intimidated right away. Although professional golfers like Rory McIlroy’s, Dustin Johnson’s, and Brooks Koepka’s big arms are the main focus of every magazine cover they grace, you don’t have to get “buffed” in order to elevate your game. But, if regular exercise helps the best to become even better, why shouldn’t you implement it in your daily routine? In fact, by warming up for just 5 minutes before a round, you can gain as much as 45 yards on your drive. And that’s just by getting your heart pumping and your bloodstream heating up! What do you say we all go out and try out some exercises for golf? These can help anyone, from a beginner to an expert, lower their scores and raise their average.

Why are Exercises For Golf Even Important?

Even while golf isn’t as physically demanding as contact sports, injuries are still a real possibility. Your golf swing is generally rapid, explosive, and strenuous on your body. Physical damage can be done by twisting and turning in pursuit of the perfect shot.

The reason you’re here, and one of the greatest rewards, is to improve your golf game. Getting in shape on a regular basis is good for your health and gives you the strength and stamina you need to improve your swing.

Additionally, a sound body may help sustain a sound mind. The ultimate score you get is an indication of both your physical and mental prowess. In order to get you in shape but also keep it as fun as possible, we will present you with exercises for three muscle groups: the core, the legs, and the hips.

Activate Your Core

A superb golf swing is not achieved using only your arms but your entire body. If you have a strong abdomen, you can put more force into your swing, which lets you cover more distance.

Here are three core activations you can do to strengthen your muscles:

  • Bird Dogs: Get down on the ground in a tabletop position on all fours. Place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. By contracting your ab muscles, keep your spine in a neutral position. Keep your hips and shoulders level as you lift your right arm and left leg. With your chin tucked into your chest, look down at the ground with your neck stretched out.

For a few seconds, maintain this posture, then slowly return to the beginning position. Hold the position where your left arm is up, and your right leg is raised for a few seconds.

Revert back to the initial position. Aim for two to three sets of eight to twelve reps.

  • Russian Twists: Make a “V” with your body by bending your knees and sitting up straight on the floor. Keep the position for as long as it takes your abs to contract. 

Bring your hands together in a cupped position with your elbows slightly bent. Keep your legs stationary while you rotate your upper body and hands to one side, then the other.

To increase the challenge, try to lift your legs a bit higher. Don’t let them move while you twirl from one side to the other.

  • Dead Bug: Put your shoulders on the floor and lie face up. Raise your palms together in a peace sign. Push your legs and bend them so your knees are at a 90-degree angle. 

Bring your right heel and left hand close to the floor as you extend and lower your right leg. Stay in that position for a moment (or as long as you can). Switch the arm and the leg, and repeat the movement at least ten times per side.

Build Up Your Legs

Strong legs may help you keep your balance, which is very helpful while swinging a golf club.

Try the following:

  • The Split Squat: Take a large forward step, as if lunging, while standing tall with your feet together.

As you bend forward at the waist until your back knee almost touches the floor, your back heel should lift off the ground. Carefully raise yourself back up, then swap sides.

  • Sideway Walks: Traditionally, these types of exercises for golf require a resistance band. Don’t have one? Use a belt or robe tie! You’ll need two bands to secure your legs, one above the knees and one around the feet. Start with small steps to the side.

With each stride, ensure your arms are at your sides, your legs are straight, and your knees are over your toes.

Unlock Your Hips

Your hips should be the first part of your body to turn toward the ball on the downswing, paving the way for your arms and hands to complete the appropriate follow-through.

If you want to push the clubhead into the ball’s face, you must separate your hips from the rest of your body. 

  • Hip Crossovers: Lying on the ground, land your arms out to the side. Bending your knees, put your feet on the ground a bit wider than your shoulders. 

Keep your heels planted, and your knees bent as you rotate your legs to the left until your knees touch the floor. Maintain a firm core and continue switching sides.

  • Pelvic Rotations: Guess what – one of the best exercises for golf involves a golf club! 

Get started by grabbing your club and standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, keeping the club head on the floor. Holding the golf club and your legs steady, swivel your pelvis to one side, then the other. You know you’re in the ideal position when you feel a pull in your obliques.

Stay Consistent

Well, those weren’t as hard as you imagined, right? But what’s more challenging is being as consistent with your exercises for golf as much as possible. An average habit is built up for 21 days, but breaking a bad one can take up even more time. After those three weeks, your strength will rise significantly, and you will get into a better headspace. 

But please, don’t forget to stretch before and after every workout! Stretching before and after each round of golf will aid in recovery and speed up your ability to get back out on the course.



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