What is considered slow play in golf?

Slow play in golf is a growing concern for many players. What may seem like a leisurely game to some can be frustrating and even maddening to others who are trying to play at a reasonable pace. While there is no definitive answer as to what constitutes slow play, there are several behaviors that players often cite as being among the most aggravating. In this article, we will explore some of those behaviors and offer some tips on how to avoid them.

Taking Too Long To Hit Your Shot

One of the most common complaints about the slow play is that players are taking too long to hit their shots. This can be especially frustrating when players take practice swings or spend too much time aligning their shots before finally hitting the ball. While it is important to take your time and ensure you are comfortable with your shot, there is no need to take excessive time. If you find yourself taking too long, try to focus on the task at hand and make your shot as quickly as possible.

Not Raking Bunkers

Another common complaint about the slow play is that players are not raking bunkers after their shots. This can be especially frustrating if you are stuck behind a player who leaves the bunker in poor condition. 

Not only is it inconsiderate to leave the bunker in a bad state, but it can also impact the play of other players. If you find yourself in this situation, try to be as efficient as possible when raking the bunker. You should also be sure to rake any bunkers you play in during your round.

Not Keeping Up With the Group Ahead

One of the most frustrating things about slow play is when you are stuck behind a group that is not keeping up with the group ahead of them. This can be especially frustrating if you are trying to play at a reasonable pace and the group ahead of you is out of reach. If you find yourself in this situation, try to be patient and wait for them to catch up. 

You can also try to talk to the group ahead of you and see if they are willing to let you play through.

Not Playing with the Right Set of Tees

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to slow play in golf is not playing with the right set of tees. If you are uncomfortable with the tee box, you will likely take too long to hit your shot. To avoid this, you must spend some time finding the right tees. For example,  if you are a beginner, you should look for forwarding tees.

 If you are more experienced, you can try the back tees. You should also ensure to avoid any tee boxes in bad condition.

Playing With the Wrong Club

Aside from the wrong tees, you might also be dealing with the wrong club. The best way to know if this is the case is by practicing with different clubs. Doing so will give you a feel for each club and how it should be used. This knowledge will help you make better decisions on the course and avoid taking too much time to hit your shot.

Replaying The Shot

One of the most common mistakes made by golfers is taking too long to replay their shots. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to be as efficient as possible. You should only take a few seconds to replay your shot in your mind. After that, you should move on and focus on the next shot. While this is easier said than done, it’s not impossible. 

A good way to practice this is by playing a round with a friend and trying to beat their score.

Failing to Yield

A big part of golf etiquette is yielding to the group behind you. If you are holding up the group behind you, you should let them play through. While this might seem common sense, many golfers fail to do so. 

If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to be as courteous as possible and let the group behind you play through.


Slow play is a common issue in golf. Many factors can contribute to slow play, such as not raking bunkers, not keeping up with the group ahead, and playing with the wrong club. If you find yourself taking too long to hit your shot, try to focus on the task at hand and make your shot as quickly as possible.



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