Load Up Your Backswing to Increase Driving Distance

Golf is a game of leverage and power. The backswing is the part of the swing when the club is taken away from the ball and swung backward. A good backswing will load up the muscles in your legs, hips, and torso, storing energy that can be transferred into the ball at impact. Many weekend golfers and professional golfers struggle with how to increase their driving distance. The key to increasing your driving distance is in your backswing. It’s important to load up your backswing so you can unload all your energy into your downswing and hit the ball further. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to load up your backswing for more power.

Stand in the right position

The first step to a good backswing is to have the proper stance. You want your feet to be shoulder-width apart, and your weight should be evenly distributed between your feet. If you’re right-handed, your left foot should be slightly ahead of your right foot.

Take a golf club and hold it out in front of you so the shaft is parallel to the ground. Now, bend your knees slightly and push your hips back until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings. This is the athletic stance you want to be in at the start of your backswing.

Shift your weight

Now that you’re in the proper stance, it’s time to start the backswing. The first thing you want to do is shift your weight from your left foot to your right foot. This will help you generate more power as you start to swing the club back and generate more driving distance.

To shift your weight, simply push off your left foot and transfer your weight to your right foot. Your right heel should come off the ground and you should feel your weight shift into your right toes.

Start the swing

Once you’ve shifted your weight onto your right foot, it’s time to start the backswing. Start by turning your hips to the right, then allow your shoulders and arms to follow.

Make sure to keep your hands low and close to your body as you start your takeaway. You don’t want to scoop the club up, but rather keep it close to your body and on an even plane.

Rotation is key

As you continue to swing the club back, you want to focus on generating power through rotation. The biggest mistake golfers make is only swinging the club back with their arms. This generates little power and can lead to a loss of control.

To generate power through rotation, start by turning your hips first. Then allow your shoulders and arms to follow. Your head should be the last thing to move, and you want to keep it centered over your belt throughout the swing.

Finish the backswing

As you reach the top of your backswing, your right arm should be pointing towards the sky and your left arm should be across your chest. Your weight should be shifted onto your right foot, and your hips should be turned so they’re facing the target.

From this position, you’re now ready to start the downswing from this position and transfer all that power into the ball. Remember to keep your hands close to your body and to focus on generating power through rotation. If you do these things, you’ll hit the ball further than ever.

Increase the speed

An additional tip to increase your overall driving distance is simply increasing your club head speed. The average amateur golfer’s swing speed is around 60 mph, while the average pro swings closer to 100 mph.

One way to increase your club head speed is by working on your flexibility. If you’re more flexible, you’ll be able to generate more power through your swing. Another way to increase your club head speed is by working on strength, you’ll be able to swing the club faster.

Stay back longer

Another way to improve your backswing is to stay back longer during the downswing. This will help you generate more power and hit the ball further.

There are two ways to achieve this. The first one is to focus on your weight transfer and the second one is to focus on your rotation. Either way, you’ll be able to generate more power and hit the ball further.


Backswing is one of the most important aspects of the golf swing. It’s what generates power and allows you to hit the ball further. By following the tips above, you’ll be able to improve your backswing and increase your driving distance.



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